H.264 compression standard is widely used nowadays in CCTV industry. For many non-specialists, this may be a confusing and ambiguous term. That’s why my will have the following specific analysis article about H.264 for your better understanding.
What is H.264?
What is H.264? H.264 with its full name is MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC (Advance Video Coding). It is also abbreviated as: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264.
This is a promising form of compression with high image compression efficiency compared to other common compression formats such as MPEG-4 or MPEG-2.

how was H.264 born?
H.264 was first introduced in 2004. Has quickly become the current popular video compression standard for recording, compressing and playing images. Delivers high display quality with bandwidth savings.
The H.264 standard was born under the development cooperation of the organization ITU-T and ISO/IEC.
ITU-T is one of the three divisions of the International Telecommunication Union ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
ISO/IEC is a joint council between the international organization ISO – International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission – International Electrotechnical Commission.
The above organizations are considered as one of the leading organizations in the world for making standard regulations, synchronous purposes. Helps devices transmit data content back and forth with display quality, effectively saving bandwidth.
VCEG (Video Coding Experts Group) and MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) are research and development units that standardize the process of capturing, compressing and playing video.
Practical application of H.264
H.264 today is widely used in practical applications such as Blu-ray discs, camcorders, video recorders, digital receivers, etc., which are capable of decoding H. 264

Also H.264 also available in video streaming services like Youtube, Vimeo, iTunes Store…. Web software such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, HTML5…;
It is used in terrestrial HDTV (ATSC, ISDB-T, DVB-T, DVB-T2), cable (DVB-C) and satellite (DVB-S and DVB-S2) television services. .
H.264 becomes the top choice for surveillance camera systems
If the recorders with MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 files as before, will not support you to integrate the network port because the recording capacity is too large. It makes it extremely difficult to export images over the net

- Today with H.264 compression will save you 50% of bandwidth and capacity compared to the popular compression standard as before. All this thanks to the advancement of video encoding algorithms. It has resulted in more optimized compression without any loss in image quality.
- It will make sense for most of today’s camera recorders. Users can store twice as much time with half as much capacity as before.
- H. 264 has thus become the go-to compression standard for many of today’s video transmission methods. now. For example, online video with a low bit rate, but the display quality is not low at all. Therefore, we can observe over the network with HD images without any interference or jerkiness like before.
But it can’t optimize all current cameras. With the lines camera born later such as: HDTVI Camera, HDCVI Camera, AHD Camera…. consumes too much hard drive space. Even if you have compressed the H.264 format, this still cannot satisfy the user’s recording needs.
That’s what prompted the birth of H.265 compression. So what is the H.265 compression standard? See details at: https://cctvapp.net/chuan-nen-ultra-h-265-la-gi-va-h-265-pro-h -265-h-265-differentiated/
Reference at: https://gotechcamera.com/hoi-dap/h264-la-gi