I. What’s MJPEG?

Motion Jpeg (Mjpeg): A video format where each frame is compressed separately as a Jpeg image. Mjpeg was first used in the mid-1990s.

  • MJPEG compression: The MJPEG compression standard is one of the oldest video standards still in use today. The MJPEG standard is currently only used in low-quality, low-cost devices.
  • MPEG-1 Compression Standard: MPEG-1 compression standard is the first compression standard for audio and video. Encodes motion pictures and related sounds for digital multimedia storage up to 1.5 Mbit/s (ISO/IEC 11172).
  • MPEG-2:Compression standard MPEG-2  is a popular standard that has been widely used for over a decade. However, the larger file size compared to the recently emerged standards makes data transmission difficult.
  • MPEG-4 compression standard: MPEG-4 compression standard using tools complex encoding to achieve higher compression factors than MPEG-2 compression. In addition to more efficient video encoding, MPEG-4 moves closer to computer graphics applications

Advantages of MJPEG:

  • Less lag in live view
  • Low computer CPU resources when processing images
  • Live view and save 30 FPS or more< /li>
  • The cost of image processing hardware is cheaper than H.264

Disadvantage of MJPEG:

  • High bandwidth usage (at frame rates above 10 FPS)
  • High storage capacity requirements (at frame rates above 10 FPS)
  • Image compression is not high (lower than H.264)

II. MJPEG sample link on Camera

This article will show you how to use the CGI command to get the camera’s MJPEG stream. CGI is a standardized set of commands used by both web browsers and internet servers to initiate various operations on computer networks and the internet. CGI is an acronym for Common Gateway Interface.

Additional information on this can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Gateway_Interface

Most of the latest web browsers now support MJPEG, you can use it to assign it to the Webside or create a direct link to view the Camera from the browser.

1. Dahua , Kbvision MJPEG stream

http://<ip>:<port>/cgi-bin/mjpg/video.cgi?channel=<chanel camera>&subtype=<stream type>   (stream video)

http://<ip>:<port>/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi  (take pictures)

In particular:

<ip> – Device IP address

<port> – HTTP Port (Default 80)

<chanel camera> – The channel to play the video you want to get

<stream type> – Video stream with 0 (main stream) and 1 (sub stream)

2. Foscam MJPEG stream

http://<ip>:<port>/cgi-bin/CGIStream.cgi?cmd=GetMJStream&usr<username>&pwd=<pasword> (IPC) ) 

http://<ip>:<port>/videostream.cgi?usr<username>&pwd=<pasword> (Speedome) 

In particular:

<ip> – Device IP address

<port> – HTTP Port (Default 80)

<username> – Camera account

<pasword> – Camera password

3. Axis MJPEG stream


In particular:

<ip> – Device IP address

<port> – HTTP Port (Default 80)

<username> – Camera account

<pasword> – Camera password

4. Hikvision MJPEG stream

http://<ip>:<port>/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/<number chanel>/httpPreview (stream video)

http://<ip>:<port>/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/1/picture (chụp ảnh nhanh)

In particular:

<ip> – Device IP address

<port> – HTTP Port (Default 80)

<number chanel> – Video streams: 101 (1 main stream channel), 102 (1 sub stream channel)

III. Enable MJPEG on Camera

To use MJPEG, you need to enable MJPEG on the camera in your device’s encoding (encoding) settings.

Cách bật MJPEG trên IPC Hikvision
Cách bật MJPEG trên IPC Kbvision – Dahua

You can use iSpy software to get the MJPEG stream link, and the way to turn on MJPEG is similar to the Dahua, Hikvision cam above.
Thank you for following the article. Leave us any questions if you have any questions!