[Video] Install IMOU Camera viewing software on Android Box MXQ PRO 4K 5G

In today’s article, I will guide you how to install the Camera viewing software on Android Box MXQ. Follow the instructions in the following video.

  • Android Box Device MXQ PRO 4K 5G
  • RAM: 8GB
  • Memory 128GB

When using the box with the above configuration, my personal experience feels as follows:

  • Video loading speed is not as fast as the phone (maybe the box price is also soft)
  • If you watch 4 channels at the same time in SD mode, it’s still smooth, but watching 8 SD channels at the same time causes lag.
  • Step 1: Download the APK file to install the Imou Life HD application here: https://cctvapp.net/apk-file-camera/
  • Step 2: Copy the downloaded APK file to USB (FAT32 format)
  • Step 3: Insert the USB into the Android Box and proceed to install as in the video below